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VOD CompTIA Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
VOD CompTIA Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)

How to Earn & Receive Your CompTIA CEU'S

Updated over a week ago

CompTIA CEU Credits Overview

Did you know that all of ITPro's CompTIA courses count towards CEU credits?

You can check whether other courses offered by ITPro will meet CompTIA's standard for CEUs by checking them here.

How to Earn & Receive Your CompTIA CEU'S

Complete A Training Course

You can earn one CEU for each hour of training. Follow these requirements to earn and receive CEUs.

  • Timing: You must complete the training course during your three-year renewal cycle, and the same course can only be submitted once.

  • Relevance: At least 50 percent of the course content must relate to one or more of the exam objectives for the certification you’re renewing. It is important to keep in mind that CompTIA does not only look at content “topics” to determine whether a course relates to exam objectives. There are other variables, including cognitive level of course content, that is taken into account during our internal review. *

  • Documentation: Submit the following documentation to receive CEUs for a training course:

    1. Detailed description/outline of the training content

    2. Completion certificate containing the following:

      • Your name

      • Name of the course

      • Name of the training provider

      • Date the course was completed

      • Number of hours

CompTIA has preapproved some of the most widely recognized IT industry training courses. Other IT industry training is accepted, if at least 50 percent of the content relates to one or more of the exam objectives for the certification you’re renewing.

Select the certification you intend to renew to see the list of CompTIA preapproved IT industry training courses.

When you find a course you'd like to take, check to see if it is offered by ITPro!

When you have completed a course, you will receive a certificate of completion from ITPro to use as proof for CEU credit, which you will submit directly to CompTIA.

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