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Mentoring Options and Availability
Updated over 3 months ago

Mentoring Overview:

As part of our commitment to student success, ACI Learning offers our students access to our team of certified Instructor/Mentors, who are available regularly outside of class time.

They are prepared to review concepts and topics presented in class, in a way that may better resonate with you and enhance your understanding of the material. We highly encourage all ACI Learning students to take advantage of this resource for self-study, to review class material, and prepare for certification exams.

Students can meet with mentors utilizing the options defined below.

Open Mentoring Session:

Open Mentoring Sessions are conducted throughout the week and do not require a scheduled appointment. These sessions are hosted on a rotating schedule with our Instructor/Mentor team and run Monday through Saturday. Students can join these sessions for the entire 2-hour duration or pop in and out as their schedule permits.

Please keep in mind that joining a session late may result in support not being able to be fully rendered. As a best practice, we recommend that students join these sessions with at least 45 minutes to spare or 90 minutes for Assessment retakes.

These group-style sessions, led by our Instructor/Mentors, offer a virtual learning common space where students steer the discussions and topics through an open Q&A forum. Students can use these sessions to review class topics, concepts, voucher release or as a focused study hall.

To join Open Mentoring Session, please review the schedule and join during the specified time using link below.

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Zoom link for Open Mentoring:

Mentoring by Appointment:

Our Instructor/Mentors are available to facilitate a variety of appointments to suit
your needs. Below is a breakdown of the appointment options. A brief description is
also provided to help guide scheduling.

1:1 Appointment:

1:1 Appointments can be valuable when seeking personalized assistance with course content and/or certification preparation. These sessions are scheduled in 25-minute increments and can be booked through our scheduling page.

End-Course Assessment Retake Appointment:

End-course assessments are administered on the last day of class to students who have achieved a minimum of 80% attendance. Students have two in-class attempts to pass the End-Course Assessment with a minimum score of 70%. Failure to pass with a minimum score of 70% will result in not passing the class and not being able to continue in the program.

Any student who fails both in-class attempts or is absent on the last day of class must meet with an Instructor/Mentor by the following Wednesday. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule and complete the end-of-course retake appointment by this deadline. Failure to do so will result in removal from their program at ACI Learning.

Please note, these appointments are mandatory for all students needing to retake their End-Course Assessment.

These sessions are scheduled for 55 minutes to allow time for concept review and assessment retake, however may require up to 2 hours, 1 hour for review and up to 1 hour for the proctored assessment retake. To schedule an End-Course Assessment Retake appointment with an Instructor/Mentor, please consult our scheduling page.

Voucher Request Appointment

Although not mandatory, ACI Learning offers an additional option to meet with an Instructor/Mentor to receive approval for a certification voucher. During these 25-minute appointments, our Instructor/Mentors will:

1. Review that the student meets 85% or higher score on their practice test in Exam Mode.

2. Review that the student meets the required completion of labs.

3. Discuss the student’s testing timeline and answer any questions the student may have about passing their certification exam.

To schedule a voucher request appointment with an Instructor/Mentor, please consult our scheduling page.

To meet with a Mentor for a Voucher Request Appointment, follow these instructions:

Use the following steps to schedule a Voucher Request Session:

  • Log into your ACI Learning Portal and open the Chat Bubble.

  • Select “Ask a Question”.

  • Select “User Triage (Tech Academy)”.

  • Select “Exam Voucher Questions”.

  • Select “Exam Voucher Request”.

  • Select “No, I have not met with a Mentor”.

  • Select the appropriate Certifying Vendor and Exam.

  • Select “Find a time”, use this link to schedule a Voucher Request Appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Am I required to meet with an Instructor/Mentor?

A: Yes and no. We highly encourage all ACI Learning students to take advantage of this resource to self-study, review class material, and prepare for certification exams. However, for students looking to retake their End-Course Assessments, meeting with an Instructor/Mentor is mandatory. For students who are looking to receive their certification voucher, completed Course-Specific Study Requirements should be submitted to the chat or via email at If a student wishes to meet with a mentor, they can be reached via chat or during the Open Mentoring Sessions.

Q: I am looking for more personalized mentor assistance. Which type of appointment would be best for me?

A: If you thrive in a more personalized environment, we recommend scheduling a 1:1 appointment with our Instructor/Mentor team. These sessions are scheduled in 25-minute increments and can be booked through our scheduling page.

Q: What times are available for Open Mentoring?

A: As referenced in the table above, Open Mentoring Sessions are available Monday through Saturday at various time frames. As a reminder, these sessions do not require an upfront appointment and can be joined at any point during the session availability. Please keep in mind that joining a session late may result in support not being able to be fully rendered. As a best practice, we recommend that students join these sessions with at least an hour to spare.

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