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Updated over 6 months ago


The results page data gives you a breakdown of your assessment launches for the specific product that you selected on the dashboard. This page enables you to visualize your results in a number of different ways that can help you track your performance over time and against peers. See below for a breakdown of each widget on this page.

Image of the results page which shows some widgets at the top and a table of results in the main body.

Overall performance

The overall performance widget shows if you are under, meeting or exceeding your managers expectations based on their last completed assessment result. If an expectation has not been configured the expectation meter will still display, but the text will indicate that the expectation has not been configured.

Image showing the overall performance widget highlighted with a blue rectangle.

Best performance

The best performance widget shows your best result and date that the result was achieved. If no assessments have been completed, the widget will indicate this.

Image showing the best performance widget highlighted with a blue rectangle.

Best achievement

The best achievement widget displays your most significant score increase between completed assessments and how many days it took between these assessments.

Image showing the best achievement widget highlighted with a blue rectangle.

Product launches

The product launches section shows each completed assessment. By selecting the launch in the table on the left the results are shown in the table on the right, once selected you are then able to view the specific score card by clicking the score card button.

Image showing the product launches of a specific title. The image shows a table of 3 launches.

Proficiency banding button

A Proficiency Level is a banding that maps to required scores. By clicking this button you are able to view what the currently configured bands are and what score you need to achieve to slot within that band. These are calibrated over time as more data is acquired.

Image showing the proficiency level button highlighted with a blue rectangle.

Image showing the proficiency level dialog with 3 bandings in it.

View score card button

By clicking the score card button you are able to view the score card for the selected assessment launch.

Image showing the score card button highlighted with a blue rectangle.

Domains over time

This spline graph shows the results of each skill domain for each launch in chronological order. We ideally would like to see the chart showing a progressive improvement as learning is done and more assessments are taken.

Progress and comparison

This radar chart shows the first and last completed assessment data. It then overlays those two data points with the average data of peers.

Image showing both the domains over time and the progress and comparison graphs.
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