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HTML5 Client

The HTML5 client has been superseded by our newer Connect client.

Kernessa Woodbury avatar
Written by Kernessa Woodbury
Updated over a week ago

The Connect client is the technology layer that presents the lab devices to the web browser.

The HTML5 client has been superseded by our newer Connect client.

Screenshot of the HTML5 Client tools

The HTML 5 client has a controls overlay with the following features.


Sends a Ctrl-Alt-Del key combination to the remote device.


Allows you to paste text from your local clipboard to the remote desktop.


Opens a virtual keyboard overlay on the remote device.

Troubleshooting HTML 5 client connections

The HTML5 client uses websocket technology to connect to the lab devices over port 80/443 to the given RDP gateway service endpoints. If the client is unable to make a websocket connection then the client will attempt next best negotiation for the connection for example to “long-polling”. Data (mouse cursor movements, keypresses, desktop graphic changes) are then sent back and forth over this “open” connection. If the client drops down to long-polling the user may experience slow ‘lagged’ performance, especially over higher latency links.

If using the HTML5 client, it is recommended that websocket connections be allowed to benefit from the performance improvements that websockets allows.

Testing websockets

In order to test if websockets are permitted from your internet location you can use the following resource to test, however please note Practice Labs are not affiliated with; neither can we verify authenticity and trust of this website so perform due diligence prior to accessing this site based on your own internal web site access procedures.

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